the last 6 months

My last blog was nearly 6 months ago and quite alot has happened which i will write about in the coming weeks as for my latest blog it will be a look back at what has happened over the last few months and hopefully will be humorous in places too.

I suppose i should start with the downside to the last few months my biological family seem to have turned full circle again and seem less than interested in anything that i have gone thru whether that was the news from the gender service back in April or being assaulted whilst being burgled and on the phone to the police at same time none of my family made any effort to contact whilst in A&E or when i got home or even in the coming days not one single to phone call to ask if was ok or if needed anything that answers my question if i needed it to be answered as for my nephew he keeps referring to me as an it he seems to think that's acceptable he has also convinced Dorothy yo refer to me as it too hope they realise Karma is a bitch.

A couple of months ago i got a message from a friend asking if i would be happy if i was contacted by her daughter who writes blogs so i said yes her daughter got in touch and asked if i would like to do an interview with her and have a blog about me i have to say i was pleasantly surprised and did the interview for her blog which can be viewed at the good in every day by Jess Kitching after reading the final draft of what she had written i was blown away and be called inspirational by someone who hardly knows me took my breath away and was moved by her lovely words i can say with honesty i am very proud to have been asked and proud to have a blog written about me i can not say thank you enough for her beautiful blog so anyone who reads this should also read her blogs which she writes weekly.

I have reconnected with Ssmmie who i know think of as my niece its seems that my adopted family are more supportive encouraging and proud of me than my real true family but i am very proud to call them my family and only family i have,i have been so truly blessed to have a great family and wonderful friends around me who help keep me strong and make sure i believe in myself all the time i always thought i would be on my own when i came out and started my journey yet 3 years on yes it really has been 3 years i have found myself with more real true family and friends than i ever thought possible i am very lucky lady and the only way is onwards and upwards all i can say is thank you and i love you all

Lots of Love




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