birthday girl

OMG  Is it only 5 days till my birthday,this year will be a very positive and happy time i am so looking forward to celebrating my birthday maybe that's simply because i am 50 or maybe cos i am finally happier than i have ever been before in my life now i am the woman i was born to be,and i am being my true self,yes its taken longer than some people but i finally got here and moving forward in life,i will not say every day is easy as there are days when i struggle with little things but i have learnt to do things differently,and i also know that i have some truly amazing friends who are with me every step of the way on my journey into womanhood,i keep receiving so many compliments and positive comments on many things which boosts my confidence and i do need to keep pushing myself and keep up all the good things i have done in the last 12 months.

My friend Naseem complimented me on being helpful and wanting to help others whether that's through my blogs,biography or just offering advice it could also be something as simple as listening to someone,being helpful comes from when i was younger and trying to work out who i was and why i was feeling the way i was and the feeling of being so isolated and alone and not knowing who i could talk to or even how to explain my thoughts feelings and being so confused,we are talking late 70's even 80's when even less was known than it is today,for me it has to be just saying that there is someone who will listen,will try understand even explain and the biggest positive has to be that there is someone there and you are not alone and no matter what you will get the help and support you are looking for regardless of time of day or night,i was very honoured that i helped others last year and could give them advice and make a difference to their lives,knowing that they are not alone can be one of the best things ever,but also knowing they will not feel so alone like me is one of the reasons why i am always willing to help in any way i can.

I have now had my 3rd laser hair removal treatment at Arden Clinic in Bradford which was done by the lovely Naseem Shah not sure if i was looking forward more to my treatment or getting to see my friend Naseem again,i was a little sore and red afterwards but thats to be expected,now i am hoping after my latest treatment i will make a huge difference especially to the amount of shaving i have been doing and will mean i only have to shave no more than a couple of times a week which will give me a lovely boost,my skin is changing for the better and have had many compliments on how well my skin looks,the hormone therapy is going very well and the gender gp is really pleased with last set of blood test results,i am now looking forward to a future which i could only have dreamed of a few years ago,believe in yourself and you can achieve anything you want,i am truly truly blessed to have the circle of friends i have who have been nothing but 100% supportive something i never thought possible in the past.

Here's to the next 12 months and the positive changes i have to look forward to and to my 50th birthday next week.

Lots of Love 
Angie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 


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