Latest news

After what seems longer than it has been I now have some news that has given me something to look forward to and found out what has happened since my last appointment at the gender service back in May when I went through the GRC,the waiting time for my second referral for surgery should have been roughly 6 months but with having heard nothing in the last few months I was beginning to wonder what the delay was so the delay is down to only having one doctor to do referrals at the minute and new doctors being trained which takes time and the latest information I have is that I should get to see a doctor for my second referral in March/April/May next year knowing I have more of an idea of when I am likely to be seen by the second doctor makes a huge difference and has changed my thinking into a positive and not wondering why I haven't been seen yet.

The last lead at the gender service has now left and there is a new lead named Kath and she is lovely,I met her for the first time just over a week ago and been brought up to date with everything that's been going on,I never knew that john had left, again not being kept informed doesn't help and kath has also got the latest news from me,I am on the waiting list for voice coaching but that's not anything I've been thinking about I've probably forgotten about being on the waiting list for that as there have been other things I've been thinking about and very happy my last appointment was face to face and not a phone appointment it's easier for me to ask questions face to face than over the phone and lasted longer than a phone call,I've kept most of the info to myself and not shared it with anyone apart from Aaron in the vape shop who was there when I got my first referral confirmed in May.

The last few sessions of electrolysis have been very good and had 3 sessions on my neck which is usually more sore and sensitive than the rest of my face it's my problem area when it comes to shaving and always has been, I never used aftershave and most times used a moisturiser or lotion to soothe my skin to help ease the discomfort from shaving but over the last 2 years I have changed shave gel and razor I use and that seems to have helped with razor burns and tenderness after a shave am still not too happy with not shaving for 5 days when am due an electrolysis session but that's how long I have to go without shaving, have never had manly facial hair even to the point I have never grown a beard and even after being on hormone therapy for over 2 years I still couldn't grow one it's just a shame my facial hair has turned grey leaving electrolysis as my only option.

A friend of mine has read all the chapters of my biography that's been written so far and the feedback has been very positive I'm sure there are more than enough surprises to keep people going back to read more but my friend Andy is a great writer I'm not sure I could or would have written the biography the way he had and I love how it all fits together so perfectly well I have written some new facts in my diary which I hope Andy will be able to weave in to the biography so that it's still seamless but will also show how so many things came about when I was younger the biography is definitely something I am looking forward to reading once it's complete and will keep everyone up to date with any news I have and when it will be published and where can buy the book from.

That's all the news I have for now but if there is any news or any updates in the few weeks I will write again

Hope you enjoy reading and can always leave a positive or negative comment and can ask me anything.

Lots of love




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