Another Year done

Its hard to believe how much life has changed in the last 3 or 4 years,thinking back to where i was in 2015 to where i am today in 2019 even i sometimes think i am dreaming but its not a dream its real and so much has changed for the better,one of the scariest things is taking that first step convincing yourself you will have no friends no family and everyone that knows you will turn their back on you and you will be alone couldn't be further from the truth ever if anything i have more true friends now than i ever had and most of my family haven't turned their back on me at all,i am not saying it's perfect but it never was but i can say it is a work in progress and even though i know how big a step i have taken and come to terms with the truth for some people it takes a little longer to the point where you have to be patient with them and have faith that it will work out right in the end. There are times when i am misgendered and called sir or Mr especially when i am on the phone with people who don't know me and have never met me in person and there are times when dorothy slips up and but she has been correcting herself lately which is something positive,it took Craig a couple of weeks to get used to referring to me as she and her but now he has known me for the last 3 or 4 months he now uses the correct pronoun with me and will always say Ang or Angie,as for Tasha i cant recall her ever using the wrong pronoun with me but seems to think i am trouble or worse a bitch but only jokingly biggest surprise had to be someone who thought my dead name was Dave but it was laughed off and didn't take any offense at that.

Here is some of the latest news and what has been happening with me over the last few months since my last blog,I am still having electrolysis every month but only once a month as have to pay for the treatment myself and can only afford so much every month we are still waiting for news on the application for funding to help with electrolysis sessions as it working but only having half hour a month is not making a huge difference still slow going but will get there one day. I haven't heard anything about my next appointment at the gender service to see a 2nd doctor to be referred for surgery as there is a delay due to only 1 doctor doing the diagnosis and referrals and having to train new doctors so that the waiting list can be slimmed down but as i was a year ahead of where i should have been in 2017 i am still being patient and know the appointment will come through in the next few weeks,Another step forward is attending a voice course induction and finding out what the course is all about and the many different things we will be learning in the 8 weeks the course runs for but it is an exciting time and looking forward to what i could achieve with putting the effort in i may sound completely different once i have learnt everything and keep practicing when at home and do the things thats asked of me to do during the week between course days who knows i could sound like a new woman by the time the course finishes.

Its strange to think that it's craig and tasha's last day tomorrow and wont get to see them very often but it's nice to know that i have made 2 new friends who have been very helpful in the last few weeks who knew just how great the friendship would become we get on very well and have a few laughs on the way life really is full of surprises,i am sure Tasha thinks i am a little strange when i talk about certain subjects and even plane watching can be viewed in the same way as bus spotting but it is one of those things i really enjoy and from the pictures i have been sent by tasha she seems to enjoy as much as me although i am not over keen on her pet spider but there again i hate spiders as they scare me,tasha and craig and more knowledgeable than me on alot of things like computers internet electrical equipment even cats but neither of them do anything to show me up so i would just like to say a massive thank you for everything and a true blessing that we became very good friends.

lots of love




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