Fighting spirit

Firstly i want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone that has read my
blogs, i never thought i would have had over 660 people reading the
blogs i have written so thank you and hope you will keep reading,i
will keep writing there are so many topics to write about,i just hope
that everyone that reads my blogs enjoys and will start leaving
comments either positive or negative,even leave a question for me to
think about and answer.
I have a few people tell me i should be a writer as i have a gift for
writing, my blogs are about writing from my heart and on topics that
are relevant to me when i finally get round to writing my latest blog
but i am always open to suggestions on what topics and subjects to
cover in my blogs.
I never thought i would write a blog and thanks to Andy he showed me
the basics of blogging,its another positive step forward and something
i have can now say i have done and keep doing,there have been so many
firsts since the beginning of March this year,so many things i never
thought i would or could do but there is an inner strength that i have
found and my dad if he was still here would be very proud of me,i dont
just give up anymore and i fight for what i know and believe is
right,i can be like a pitbull at times, once i sink my teeth into
something i find it very hard to let go and i am no longer afraid to
speak my mind.
i had to make a phone call yesterday and after more than an hour i got
put thru to someone who i thought could and would help but ended up
getting even more frustrated at the lack of understanding of what i
was saying,even being called sir and Mr did't go down very well with
me even worse having the phone put down on me mid sentence,i took time
composed myself made a coffee and called back and asked to be put thru
to account cancellation team where i spoke to a lovely lady who turned
out to be more helpful and very apologetic for the way i was treated
in my earlier phone converstaion,she could not do for me and was ever
so helpful with patience and explaining everything in a simple way
anything is possible,i never thought i would have acheived more than
what i had hoped for in one simple phone call yet i came away from
speaking with that lovely lady with my faith in people restored.
I am sure my dad would have been ever so proud of me for not giving up
and for fighting for what i believed i,the inner strength i have now
comes from being,living as the woman i should have always been i can
say very honestly that Angie is so very different to who Andy was.
There are many friends who knew Andy and have now got to meet Angie
for themselves and i know they would say that Angie is so very
different in every way to who they remember when Andy was around
thankfully he has gone now and will never be coming back,yes i
jokingly say he is buried in the back garden but not sure anyone takes
me that seriously,Andy would not fight that much for anything but for
me i will fight all the way for what i believe in and that goes for my
family and friends i will never just accept anything for the sake of
it and if its wrong or not right in some way then i will not go away
quietly or just give up even if fall at the first hurdle i will pick
myself up and start fighting back,i am sure i will surprise some
people but for my family and friends that know me then they will just
say thats Angie being Angie she aint a quitter.
There are so many things that are not right that need changing in a
good way and so many fights or campaigns i can be involved in,get the
right people to listen and start making changes for the better not
just for me but for everyone that will go down the same path as me and
if i can help advise and be a positive and inspiriation to someone
then i will be very happy and proud to be that woman,changes have to
start somewhere and with someone who didn't just accept the way things
were we have come along way in the last 50 years but we cant rest on
that we have to keep moving forward pushing making changes for the
better and thats something i am very proud to be part of,who knows how
much we can achieve in the next 50 years although i'm not sure i will
be around for the full 50 years but hope will still be around for
atleast the next 40 years,and will see many many postive changes and
even more acceptance in the future.
lots of love


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