Hormone Therapy

My friend maariyah made a comment this afternoon that got me
thinking,she said did i really need to come out? i was after all
wearing make up most days at work along with my ankle boots with cuban
heels tights and underwear only wore trousers and shirt and nearly
always had my nails painted or acrylics,my nails were what i was
famous for....the driver with the painted nails yes that was me,i had
started wearing more feminine clothing and make up more often than not
and nearly everyday and i was coming out of my shell more and more yes
i was feeling happier than i had ever been in my life the jigsaw
pieces were finally fitting in perfectly in a way that they never had
done before in life.
The topic of this blog is two fold...... 1 about Hormone Therapy and
how it has helped me develop into a woman,and 2 the positive comments
that i have received and will name my friends who have said and posted
lovely comments to me which never stop surprising me and yes sometimes
do make me shed tears of pure happiness and joy and honoured that my
friends think so much of me to post so many lovely words.
1 Now i am into my 6 month on Hormone Therapy and the oestrogen and
anti-testostorone medication i am on has really started to kick in a
way i'm not sure i expected after what i think is a short time,when
start on hormone therapy you are beginning a second puberty but this
time as a girl,one part of the medication the anti-testostorone stops
the body from producing the male hormone whilst the oestrogen starts
to get into the body via patches worn on the thigh,  over time the
oestrogen builds up in the body and helps change me from a boy to a
girl although the development can be slow and there are no set times
of how and when i will develop,i am very pleased with how my
transition has gone so far even the not so pleasant parts haven't been
that unpleasant so far the stomach cramps have been bearable but the
very sensitive breasts are kinda strange but thankfully not sensitive
every day just at certain times,Yes Lacey we have the same monthly
cycle as all women but without the blood (just being honest here)there
are other signs like developing breasts as for how big they will be
when finished puberty i don't know,i am happy with how much my breasts
have grown so far my skin is softer and feels very feminine to me,my
body hair has changed and the growth has slowed down and will continue
to change,i am not sure how long it takes for facial hair to slow down
or change but for me shaving every day now i can become very sore
especially on my neck,the hair on my head is growing back and maybe in
another 6 months i will have a full head of hair of my own and will no
longer need to wear wigs which can be not only uncomfortabe but also
can be very hot,during winter it wont be so bad but summer and warmer
weather its not such a good thing,for as many postives i dont mind the
odd negative,my friend Tamara has said my voice has changed and is not
as deep now which is lovely to hear i haven't had any speech therapy
yet as that comes thru the gender clinic and i have about another year
to wait for my initial assessment but hopefully and fingers crossed
could be quicker than that,they are a brief description of the
physical changes that oestrogen have so far made for me..........the
emotional changes are something very different am i happy with the
emotional changes so far ? yes i am there are times when i am for the
want of a better way of putting it quite weepy like watchiong a tv
show or movie to the lovely comments posted on social media,alot of
the comments posted on social media like facebook have made me weepy
because of the sweet and lovely things that have been said,the other
side for me is thinking more and more as a woman no longer reacting
without thinking but taking time to stop and think before reacting to
certain things especially when disappointed,i hope this sheds a light
on some of the changes that i have gone thru in the last 6 months.
Secondly this about the lovely sweet comments and messages i have
received since the beginning of the year the people that i am naming
are real and are my true friends first names only of course and hope
my friends will not mind me mentioning them.Kim your message a couple
of weeks ago was just what i needed at the right time thank you for
saying i am loved,Lacey i have never met you but you are so lovely and
such an inspiration to me,Andy you have never judged me and accept me
for me and hopefully you will understand how much i value your
friendship,Pat...Jill and Jayne your comments are so lovely thank
you,Tony maybe the kick in the head was a good thing hahaha yes being
goalkeeper all those years ago meant i was kinda crazy but now i am
living the life i should have always lived.
Stuart....Kerry....Samantha....Maariyah.....Maggie thank you for yoru
sweet words even knowing you think i am inspiring is more than i would
ever have thought,your words lift my spirits and restore my faith in
me and give me hope.To my New and old family....Yes Mum Janet, Diane,
Carol, Karen, and Janette thank you for adopting me as your daughter
and sister Dave you see me as Angie and no-one else thank you,there
have been so many wonderful sweet amazing comments i have received and
cant say thank you enough you are my true family and friends and keep
me strong and help me thru the not so good days or not so good
times,Tamara thank you for being honest with me and if i ever get some
work can we please have another night out in Leeds as had a lovely
time and Maariyah dont forget our night out in Bradford when get
things sorted out.
The one positive i can say is know i am the woman i should have been i
have been very lucky and blessed to find myself with so many lovely
wonderful true family and friends that i never thought i would ever
have now i am Angie finally i am alive happy and doing my best to live
life to the full and long may it continue
Lots of Love


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