another new week,another new month

Guess what.....i went out drinking in Leeds friday night,yes i was flirting with other girls during the night but i also got to meet my friend Tamara Lea who's birthday we were celebrating that night,i was lucky to meet some of Tamara's friends who were out that night and it turned into a great night out even a boost to my confidence which has been growing lately thanks mainly to my friends like Tee,and Sean at the snooker centre who i have surprised in a nice positive way although now he thinks i am catty but i only do and say things in fun and try have a laugh with Sean just a shame he is a Leeds fan i just won't hold that against him as i can be surrounded by Leeds fans,at least i can boast as we have beaten them twice this year and more than happy being higher in the League than Leeds.

Now my confidence is growing again it is making a difference to so many things,my sense of humour has come back and i am as cheeky as i ever was never in a nasty way and always done in the best possible taste,how can my confidence nor grow when someone who hardly knows me says something that blows me away in such a positive way telling me i am beautiful no matter what anyone elsee thinks but they are not the only one to say that,Kim keeps telling me and now i have New friends who are telling me exactly the same i really do need to start seeing what they see and not what i think i see,i will never be big headed in any way as that is not me but i am confident and something i would never have said even 2 years ago,i do know that i now have so many true friends when the one thing i was never sure of was having any friends when i started to live my life in my true gender sometimes life can throw you a curve ball in a very lovely way and no matter how many times you say thank you it never seems to say enough but i'm not sure how else to say it.

I am so looking forward to next Tuesday as i will be seeing my friend Naseem at The Arden Clinic for my next laser hair removal treatment,i am looking forward to chatting with Naseem more than the treatment i will be having as we get on so well that it is so hard to believe we have only known each other just under 2 months yet we can chat and laugh like old friends but that is how we get on and i know that if Naseem wants to know anything she will just ask and that is why we get on so very well in the same way i get on so well with Kim,Shelley,Tee and Sean simply because they will just ask if and when want to know anything,i will miss my friend Kim when she is away next week sunning herself in foreign shores but i know she will have a great time and come back nicely tanned and will have enjoyed her time away.

I finally got all my results back from the latest blood tests i had done,yet again Doctors forgot to do my estradiol levels but i am very happy with the results from the blood tests and the gender gp is also very happy with my progress and will keep me on same medication that i have been on since May last year, thankfully not only myself but others have seen the changes not all physical,the changes have been varied and have been very complimentary noticing the changes in me and the biggest has to be that my confidence is growing again that was something that had been a little lower than i wanted it to be over the last few months,now thankfully it is growing again and where i want it to be.Note to self start believing in yourself more...........Even the walk home from Leeds was liberating and empowering and knew when i got home my confidence had been given a huge boost,it is something that can be fragile at times for what ever reason but as long as i keep doing the same things i am doing right now then there is no reason why my confidence and belief in myself cant stay where it is right now and possibly even grow a little more if that's even possible.

Lots of Love 


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