Being helpful

my transition has not always been positive,yes there have been times when I've had stares from people when I've gone shopping or around town but I'm strong enough to not let it affect me or knock my confidence,the great thing about my confidence is it gets stronger every day,my problem is I may be getting a little lazy but that will change in the coming weeks.
This year is a big year for me and my twin Kim and not just with turning 50 but with other things like  the goals we are setting ourselves to do i suppose it's our bucket list for the next 12 months and hopefully a new career direction as well. I have learnt so much in the last 12 months and got to know I've helped others in more ways than I knew I had and have been so pleased to know how much I've helped and changed other people's lives as much as my own that it has opened my eyes to the real possibility of being an advocate in some form for a career,I love being asked questions that I can answer and help my friends learn more about not just me but also what being Angie means for me,although I'm not over keen on the label that people pigeonhole me with and yes I am trans but to me I am also a woman I am Angela or as most people call me Angie or just Ang,the fact that certain parts of my body are wrong I am a woman my thoughts are always I'm Angie I never think of myself as anyone but Angie,I have no feelings for my dead name or the person that name belonged to and I have said the same that he is dead and buried in the back garden and very happy that he is,he is never coming back ever he is dead and gone forever thankfully.
There are a lot of things that have not changed like my love of sport I am still crazy about football and formula one and once biography comes out my co author says I was better than average at most sports I played again nice knowing that I was quite hard on myself but at times I still am the same maybe that's a personality trait or because I'm a Pisces there are times when I am quite the perfectionist especially with things like make up which I have improved with and perfected the natural look with many hours of practice but that's also down to thinking of myself as a woman and doing make up comes easy and natural to me but being a woman is second nature for me and knowing I have helped others and will continue to help others with anything regardless of label,times have changed and now I know how to talk to people and have the confidence to just ask when I want to know anything or ask for help,I do regret not knowing how to talk to friends like Pat or Kim in the past but I'm very thankful they are still lovely women who I will always call my true friends knowing there is always someone there for me to turn to makes a huge difference and makes me a better woman and in turn I am always there for anyone who wants to talk or needs my help in whatever way possible
Lots of love
Angie xxxxxxx


  1. What a lovely heartfelt blog....interested to know what you have on your bucket list. I am always looking for new ideas and opportunities for mine. Kind regards Terry Anne


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