another new blog

This time last week it was Father's Day which for the last few years was never the best day of the year but this year was so different in many ways i wasn't sad but had a smile on my face remembering how my dad didn't like father's day and made his feelings very clear even recalling my dad telling me he didn't want any cards and told him i wouldn't buy him a card anymore as he didn't agree with it even though i stopped buying him a card i made sure i went to see him usually a couple of days before father's day,there is one thing i do miss about my dad not being here and that is the Saturday's we would spend together chatting about anything and everything and yes my dad knew everything am not even sure i told my dad i think he knew before i even said i word,my one regret has to be that he never got to see the real me and how much happier i am now.

Writing a biography has been easier than i thought it would be but trying to remember everything has not be so easy even now someone can say something and it will trigger a memory that hasn't gone into the biography am not sure if my ghost writer knows and hasn't included it in the biography or if i never mentioned it to him in my notes i can always send him a message and ask him although i am not sure it would go into the biography,i will start making more notes on certain things and send them to my ghost writer and see what he says,I don't know why i call him my ghost writer he is my best friend and we've known each other all our life and he is a lot better than me at making my biography into an interesting story than i ever could,i keep telling him when he sends me a chapter or update how perfect and spot on it is so he knows what i think to how he has written my story so far.

I let my friend Jane read my biography and she tells me its brilliant,Jane is one of the first to read what's been written so far and have had to read some of the chapters again to refresh my memory and remember what Jane is asking me about but Jane has loved what she has read so far and has managed to read up to chapter 19 and only has another 4 or 5 chapters to read before she runs out of chapters to read it has given me a nice positive boost and know that at least one copy of my book will be bought and personally autographed for her,yes i am joking and not being too serious about only selling one copy i am sure there will be more copies sold,ideas and suggestions for who to do the audio book please send on a postcard to the following.........

There is no more news since my last blog last month i am still waiting for my appointment at the Gender Service for my second referral for surgery and have been finding more evidence to provide proof for my Gender Recognition Certificate,on a personal level i have had my hair bleached and then dyed pink which has taken quite well but will treat myself to a better hair dye that will last longer and no won't be dying my hair green but thanks for the suggestion,i do like the pink but i am very open to trying other colours and see which suit me the best.

Lots of love 



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