Surgery !!!

I have had time to think about having Gender Reassignment Surgery and that is the next major step for me,I have already had my first referral a couple of months ago which i was really pleased with and knowing i am half way there is something very positive, although waiting for the phone call with news on whether i had been accepted for surgery or not seemed to take forever to come but when it did i couldn't stop smiling even now knowing it's sunk in i am still smiling and haven't found myself crying although i personally believe that will come once i have received my second referral in the next few months. The next 2 appointments at the Gender Service will be, 1 to go through my application with John for my GRS and then 2 should be my second referral appointment with the doctor and not sure who that will be once i have the second referral confirmed i can celebrate in one way or another with my friends who have supported me through my transition.

I am very lucky and truly blessed that my good friend Jane has said she will go with me to the hospital when have got my surgery date confirmed and have had an offer of somewhere to stay for the first couple of weeks post surgery as can't be on my own and not allowed to climb stairs,i do know what is coming with surgery and what happens so i have learnt as much as i possibly can for now but i have never had any doubts when it comes to surgery, I am sure when it comes to the time when i have to go to hospital that having Jane with me will help me stay relaxed calm and focused and not start to over-think what's coming, I have no idea when surgery will be or when my second referral will take place but once have appointment through i will be very happy and look forward to meeting the doctor and after my appointment will hopefully get some time with John who i can talk to a get his opinion on how everything went with the doctor.

For me Surgery is something i need to correct the mistake that happened at birth when i should have been born a girl, its who i have been inside all my life it's just taken me quite a long time to come to terms with who i am and accept the truth,once i stopped hiding and pretending to be someone i was never meant to be i found an inner peace and a happiness that had eluded me for most of my life i was no longer fighting with myself or lying to not only me but to other people as well like when had my nails painted and used to say i like my nails painted or Stevie Tyler has his done so why can't I any excuse was better than none, I am now very open and honest and will also be more than happy to answer any questions as long as the questions are sensible,so if anyone wants to know anything at all just ask me please.

Lots of love




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