more about me

Where to start right.......... Firstly i want to clarify the difference between gender and sexuality, my gender is female i identify as a woman and everyone who knows me only sees me as a woman who they know as Angie or Ang and they all call me Angie or Ang my gender identity is as a woman, my sexuality is who i am attracted to and for me that is other women which now makes me a lesbian, i am not attracted to men and don't want to be with a man i only want to be with a woman and hope one day i will meet a special woman who will accept me for who i am.

A friend of mine said to me a couple of days i should have reminded her or said something which made me think, i am not the kind of woman who would say something but that's how i am maybe when we have known each other longer then yes i will be more comfortable and will say something but for now i am still a little shy, it's also true that i don't like asking for things whether that's something as small as a cigarette or for help to see me through till i get paid next i try to work things out for myself even if that means i have to go without certain things for a week or so, maybe that's how i was taught when i was growing up, yet if you flip it i will always try and help my friends if i can and like to think that my friends can always ask me first if i can help that is how i am and how i have always been.

One of my positive traits is that i am trustworthy, and that could be being trusted to look after the cats for a couple of hours to being trusted to paint or decorate anything from a garden bench to a couple of walls in a living room, and yes i would like think that my friends would trust me with anything and everything, maybe one of my flaws is that i can be too trusting of the wrong people even when they have let me down in the past i will still put trust in them, obviously i am not talking about someone cheating on me as once that trust is gone it's virtually impossible to regain, i am talking more general than that but i know there is a point where i will say enough is enough and can no longer trust that person,i am also very loyal and can be told anything in confidence and it will stay in confidence i don't gossip at the wrong time and i am very good at keeping secrets.
Something i am very proud of if that's the right word is my sense of humour some if my friends are now starting to get my humour and no longer take me seriously when i am having banter with them although sometimes its nice to make them laugh when they have realised i was joking with them that for me is another positive sign that i have finally found my true happiness that seemed to have eluded me for most of my life.

Lots of love




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