Happy new year

hello again it's been a while since my last blog and there have been some changes for the better,I can now start to think more positive about the new year and all the wonderful things I can look forward to. There were times last year when it was emotionally draining and shed my fair share of tears,and yes even hurt and upset with the untruths that were being said but the truth will always come out and thankfully there are so many amazing people who I truly call my friends.
To Kim you are my rock you kept me strong when at times I weren't I tried to put a brave face on and not show how I was feeling but I doubt I fooled you at all,our trips out helped more than you could possibly know,you read the statements and saw what was being said which was untrue. I can never say thank you enough but I hope you know how amazing you are and how you helped me with everything.
My other friends believed in me even when I started to have doubts even if they were fleeting there were times when I wanted to give up but Kim, Pat, Tony, Faye even Caroline restored my faith in me and the truth and now everything has been resolved in a very positive way I can start to move forward and believe that this year will be even better than last year,what happened last year was not the best but I've come through it and it's made me stronger.
I have now been on hormone therapy since may last year and it has been for then most part enjoyable yes there have been changes but it's still early and in the following months I know there will be other changes as I develop even more as Andy said there is no going back now but I have never wanted to,my confidence has taken a knock but I will rebuild my confidence and this year will be a positive step forward.
For me and Kim we both have a big birthday this year and there is only 8 days between us I'm sure there will be a lovely celebration at some point during march when we can let our hair down and have a few shandys with friends to mark the occasion,it's yet another positive and exciting time one of the many things I am really looking forward to this year maybe it could end up being my year god willing.
Thank you Dad knowing you were there by my side keeping me calm and helping me relax was just what I needed at the right time and knowing you are very proud of me is something that fills my heart with joy and yes a few tears,knowing you're there with me every step of the way makes a huge difference I never stop missing you and wish you were here for just one more day.
There are so many things to mention in this blog but I will close it here or could just go on forever and end up boring people.
Lots of love
Angie xxxxxx


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