My Transition

I have come so far in the last 12 months,I have to pinch myself to believe it's all true am not sure you could make this up if you tried,yes I am happier than I have ever been and have so many people to say a massive thank you to,I hope I will get the chance to say thank you to all the lovely friends who have been so wonderful and supportive.
Unfortunately there is still so much discrimination about that there is still so much work to do we cant stop helping,teaching,explaining and answering the questions we get asked,maybe the reason why I am not getting any work thru agencies right now is because I am trans but that does not stop me from being a hard worker or reliable and honest that should be a positive for any agency knowing you can be who you are without any problems. Now I hope that I will start getting work again and earning a decent wage to support myself and help with my transition.


  1. Hey angie. I work for Lloyds banking group and we 100% support the whole of the LGBT community so you should keep checking on our job site and see what comes up. Let me know if you need any help applying x

  2. Thanks Natalie
    Have never thought of applying for banking jobs,not my usual type of job I go for but would be worth thinking about and possibly having a chat with someone about applying and see what happens it's nice to know you and lloyds banking group support unconditionally the LGBT community


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