Comments and compliments

 I have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of how many positive comments and compliments I have received so so many lovely comments and compliments since I came out and started my transition whether that was in the very early days or even now in the last few days, I am also sure I have shocked and surprised some friends who never knew anything about how I really felt or who I knew I have always been inside having tried my best to hide the real me for such a long time, I am  also sure that the reactions of certain people who didn't understand or interested to know why made me keep everything inside longer than I should have and made me feel unsure not only who to talk to but how to talk and be honest about how truly felt, that was then and quite a few years ago thankfully there has been so many changes in the last few years that people are more knowledgable and understanding now that does make a huge difference and the comments and compliments I have received never stop making me go wow,blush even make my day or better boost my confidence yes Nat I am very confident thank you but it doesn't mean that shouldn't be said or I don't appreciate hearing that, a lady said to me last week she could see how much my eyes are full of life and show my true happiness now I am a woman,to Pat my lovey friend who has helped me in so many ways.....telling me I am one of the bravest people she knows thank you Pat you see something I am not sure I see myself I wish I could have talked to you years ago but wish I knew how to talk to you all those years ago too.
Kim said I was loved maybe that's so sweet to know that, the lovely things Pam has said to me even her daughter Beki spending a few hours in Leeds last week with me and Pam it just felt very natural and normal but that's how it should be, there are so many people to mention that it's not possible to name every single one but once they read this blog I hope they know who they are and how much I appreciate their kind sweet lovely comments and compliments sorry Taybah I do have better legs a running joke we have, the hardest part of the lovely comments and compliments I receive is keeping my emotions in check now on hormone therapy I can find myself  with tears running down my face even over silly little things and yes the lovely comments and compliments can make my mascara run at times I should wear waterproof mascara more often than not just in case, I am a typical girl or woman and really appreciate all the positive lovely comments and compliments I get so please don't stop
Thank you all


  1. Liking the blog Angie, keep the posts coming and the compliments too! You've come so far it's good that you can keep this journal of your experiences. You've got many more good experiences to come :)

  2. Thank you Matt you were there from day one and have seen for yourself many of the changes am sure there are even more to come in next few days weeks months xx


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