Being surprised

I will never be able to express my gratitude to the people who keep surprising me, a couple of my neighbours have totally surprised me even today a neighbour asked me how he should address me and what to call me now so i introduced myself as Angie his response was unexpected I was told he  admired me and shook my hand,another neighbour who had seen me coming and going asked me questions and was genuinely interested, i may not saying everyone will always be as positive towards me but whilst I am getting such positive messages of support I will never complain or underestimate what their words mean to me, how can I lose faith in people when people show me such support I was taken by surprise by being told I was admired it was touching and as I can be a little emotional at times it shows how much their words mean.
I have been pleasantly surprised by so many people since starting my transition and that is over 8 months ago now being told I am brave by Kim and Pat is still something I can't see but thankfully Kim and Pat can see how brave they see me as,there is Maggie who tells me I am an inspiration and she is not the only one who has said that to me, Yes there are people who I have surprised no doubt Caroline was a little surprised when I told her but now she always call me Angie and uses she when talking about me, even lovely knowing the PC I talked to earlier was really interested and asking questions even if I am asked the same questions numerous times I will never get bored or those questions maybe my answers will differ from time to time or how I word my answers, but the true answer will always be the same regardless just how I word my answers will be different.
As much as there is positivity I hope one day there will be no negativity I do know that I have some truly wonderful friends yes I mean you Kim,Pat,Andy,Lacey,Kerry,Stuart,Tamara and Kieran my sisters Diane Carol Karen Janette and my lovely mum Janet I want to say a huge thank you to you all, you keep me strong even if don't hear from you for a while your words never leave me and keep my confidence where it should be.

My best friend Kim is so lovely with me she only sees me as Angie now,I doubt we would have the chats we have when we meet if I wasn't Angie, I can't remember me and Kim ever talking so openly like we do now we both open up when we get chatting it's something I always love and we always laugh and smile even If only have a short time together it's very special maybe Kim will know how much our get togethers mean to me I have come out of my shell in the last few months, I think Kim gets me to do things that maybe if had the choice I wouldn't do but then again I am confident and always push myself and want to do things I don't do every day yes Kim does take me in shops I possibly wouldn't have gone in but that's a good thing I get to see products I wouldn't have seen if hadn't gone in certain shops Kim certainly opens my eyes to new things long may it continue
Love Angie


  1. Thats lovely, I can relate to so much of this.


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