Saturday night

I went to the big Leeds swish today at MesMac and really glad I did,I nearly didn't go but I got myself ready and went and had a great time I met some lovely people there and have made some new friends,I even got a make over and thanks to drew I looked stunning and loved how she did my eyes they sparkled now I just wish I had hair as long as hers,I looked so different and shows once have learnt new techniques and tricks,I really do need to learn how to contour and use bronzers.....I also hope after chatting with LJ I can go on a course to learn the skills I need to do advocacy I know that's where my heart is I want to do more to help others going thru similar things that I have gone thru and show them they are not alone and there are and is always someone there that can and will help in what ever way possible even if that's just a simple message asking how they are I would love to do more than I am doing right now but with the help of Angie's advice page and other pages on Facebook,yes my blog and biography that's being written by my best friend Andy I hope that is a little and shows there is help out there even better if it can change just one persons life makes it worth doing and worth pushing,there is no going back or giving up on advice page or my blog and can't wait for my biography to finally come out my one hope is that it will help one person well 2 as it will als help me and will keep me strong,
Yes Nat you are so right I am very confident I am also happier than I have ever been and although I am not always in the best place mentally I try to stay strong and keep positive knowing that's so hard to do at times but my confidence is always there and I come out of my shell,I am very friendly probably too chatty at times yes I don't always know when to shut up hahaha and even more importantly I am not a quitter as Jess from RDF said I was very honest and keep fighting not just for myself but for everyone that is going thru the transition regardless of what stage they are at,I also want to help and educate others into accepting or being more accepting of the transgender community and that people will see it as a positive step forward,to the general public.......instead of staring or making comments behind my back here is an idea why don't you just ask or talk to me and find out why for yourself instead of making assumptions


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