Coming out Part 2

since I came out I have received so much support and positive feedback but I know not everyone is happy for me or as supportive as I would have thought my biological mum can be so opposite at times she has called me it she has even called me by a male name which I correct her everytime I hear it but in her eyes she still thinks of me as her son to my face but to others she introduces me as her daughter Angela it does sometimes depend on her mood even worse if it's too hot as she can't cope if it's too hot and she gets very agitated......I do stay away from my biological mum at times as I really don't need the abuse I get and shouldn't have to put up with it but I won't accept any abuse from family even reporting my nephew to police for calling me a freak I still don't know why he called me such a name but I hope the police knocking on his door made him think twice about what he doesn't distract me the abuse makes me stand up for myself and defend myself I do have a sense of humour and can take certain things as a joke but being called a freak has to be a NO in anyone's book I do know that it does and will continue to make me stronger and thankfully I have a lot of truly wonderful loving family and friends who fully support me.

I have been to see solicitor today to get advice on my dismissal as now it's going to the tribunal on grounds of discrimination I made that clear in the appeal hearing I had in July....I have been thru most of what happened to me since I came out at work where I thought I would be fully supported I never expected to be treated differently by the manager or union rep at the time but I was wrong I got disciplined for doing nothing different to nearly every other driver there who seem to be able to do whatever they want and not be disciplined....even now I still see drivers about with passengers or bus enthusiasts stood talking to drivers yet I get written warning for doing same or worse the disappointment for me is the company don't seem to want to know they haven't replied yet and even when acas tried to contact them they didn't want to talk it could have all been sorted out by now but maybe they are burying their heads in the sand it will not go away and I am determined to see it thru and now I have a solicitor working on my case who will be advising me and assisting me...I have a date for next month for a hearing at the tribunal in Leeds whether the company will turn up or not I don't know but would be more than happy sitting and discussing everything with them but that's now upto to them will keep you posted


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