Coming out .

This is a very important issue that needs to be talked about and will also detail how my experience was when I came out.......
My honest opinion will always be the same its all down to the individual about how and when they come out especially as being transgender although I am not over keen on the label of trans-woman I am also proud to be a trans-woman and will always support help and be there for anyone who is trans and I am blessed that I have friends who ask me for advice but I digress again..... When someone comes out it should always be when they are ready to tell people especially family and friends but there is always a possibility that some won't be as accepting as we had wanted or hoped,that's the time when we have the chance to openly discuss everything with the people that care I am not sure we will ever have total acceptance yet when it comes to family and friends we should give them time to come to terms with coming out to them and be ready to answer any questions they will ask no matter how trivial some questions will sound to us...the main point I am making is that we have to come out when the time is right for each of us there may never be a perfect time but we can only come out when we are ready and when we have kind of worked out what we are going to say in our heads so many times the other point which is just as important is how we tell the people that care about us and who we care about,it should never be done in an aggressive way or in a way that someone will take as offensive but always in a nice calm way and the person coming out has to decide when and how whether that's to the whole family at same time or one on one or tell one person
who will then discuss everything with the rest of the family as for friends the same applies just don't be surprised if asked questions family and friends want to know certain things and yes we will end up answering some questions more than once but there will always be questions that take us by surprise and that we have to think about before answering.......
When I came out to Helen at work I had already spoken to someone who was going to arrange a chat with Helen and go with me but I had an opportunity to have a chat with Helen and took it,I had already been chatting with some of the friends I had made thru work and some colleagues as well and was pleasantly surprised by the support I had received and that made my decision a lot easier and then the lovely chat I had with Helen was easier than I thought it would be I explained myself and what I was wanting to do and hoped the company I was working for would be fully supportive of me
and my transition,Helen was so lovely and asked me to give her a couple of weeks to chat with everyone at work and make sure I was supported I have to say i was lucky that nearly everyone where I worked was fully supportive of me not only coming out but of me going to work as the woman I know I have always been there were a few people at work who couldn't wait to see me or wait to finally meet Angie yes I was so lucky in most ways but unlucky that one person didn't seem to be very supportive and the one person who didn't was the one with the authority to sack me which I have  said since being dismissed was due to discrimination,I loved my job I loved going to work and even
looked forward to going to work was a great job and a great company just a shame there was one
person to spoil it for me and know I am struggling to find another job I will love as much but as I said before I would love to be more active in the transgender community and do so much more than I have
done upto now fingers crossed I could be doing something I want to be doing sooner or later......
The whole point about coming out is that you do it in your own time and your own speed don't let anyone pressure you into coming out,it's your choice when.....where.....and how it's about you and only you.....


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