
The best thing about writing my blog is that it gives me something to think about and what I want to write about this next blog is about the last 25 years of trying to come to terms with how my hair has receded and how it was for me to deal with hair loss and how that made me feel.
I started losing my hair when I was roughly 23/24 years old maybe one to many perms or having my hair bleached regularly didn't help but that was the fashion back in the mid to late 80's the decade fashion forgot and that went with hairstyles as well,looking back to that time the one thing I do remember is that my dad's hairstyle never changed he always had the same thing every day even till his dying day he had more hair than me,I began noticing my hair receding a little when I was in my early 20's long before I had accepted who I truly was, although I hadn't lost so much I knew I was still kinda lucky as a couple of friends Rick and Anthony had lost a lot more than me and I can honestly say that Rick had the clown look as I call it none on the top but just on the sides he looked more than a little daft and should have just trimmed it off with hair clippers,over the years my hair had receded even more mostly on the top and at the front yet I did notice I very thin very light covering of hair that hardly ever grew I could feel it but nothing I ever did helped it to grow back,when I was 25-30 I was dressing mostly every day wearing make up and the one thing I wanted more than anything was a full head of hair that I could grow and then style/colour and do different things with but my hair would not grow in certain places I even admit I tried the charlton come over and yes had begun to grow it longer when I could have a pony tail am not sure it looked that good,losing my hair gradually over the next 20-25 years is hard to take and it knocks your confidence and yes there were times when I was jealous of some of my friends who had so much more hair than me and still do,I would have given anything to have a full head of healthy natural hair,when it got too much for me I took to wearing caps to cover the lack of hair I had but I also started keeping it very short and most of the time when I got my hair shaved it had no blade on it I took it to the bone I even bought my own hair clippers and shaved my head myself and had taken to wearing wigs which can be uncomfortable and if buy the wrong ones make you look a little silly when I first started buying wigs I had 2 which I wore when I dressed but during the summer it gets too hot and you perspire and it feels like your head it melting there is no way I can wear a wig for too long and even now the longest I could wear a wig is about 10-12 hours more than long enough,it was still disappointing taking wig off and having no hair underneath,to be honest I hated the fact that I was receding I had tried many different shampoos and hair lotions over the years but nothing seemed to make much difference,I have bought quite a few wigs in the last 20 years but quite happy with the 2 or 3 wigs I have now and each one is different but I still wished I had my own hair it can make a huge difference,I honestly thought and believed my hair would never ever come back and start to regrow and here is the best part since I started my hormone therapy in May this year I cannot be sure whether it is a combination of the 2 treatments I take or the finasteride on its own but my own hair has started to grow back I have to keep pinching myself and how it has grown since I started hormone therapy I know it's only been just over 4 months since I started and am now into my 5th month but I keep being pleasantly surprised at how well my hair is growing back I keep taking pictures of my head to check on how my hair looks maybe a little obsessed as taking pics nearly everyday but my hair had come on really well over the last month who knows maybe by the end of the year I will have a full head of hair and will no longer need to wear a wig I can only hope that my hair keeps growing back as the same rate that it is now as I would love nothing more than being able to do my own hair every day instead of wearing a wig that becomes uncomfortable after wearing so long and come summer time next year who knows I may even be in s position where I won't wear a wig and find myself getting to hot or where I start perspiring as the wig is making my head too hot I can only dream and live in hope for now but it is something that is helping to boost my confidence,I have no expectations at all with how my hair will be by end of this year I am just keeping everything crossed right now and will keep doing the same things that I have been doing for the last 18 weeks


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