Another interesting day today,got a lovely reply to my post last night and has given me something to think about,I have never thought about applying for certain jobs I am not qualified to do and have no experience in,I've never worked in a call centre but I have experience of customer service that's a big part of being a bus driver, and a knowledge of hotels and addresses around Leeds to help people who are visiting is a bonus but being as helpful as possible,pleasant, nice smile, and friendly attitude makes a difference as well, even more so when people are visiting for the first time and don't know their way around,which has given me experience of dealing with people either face to face or over the phone as in previous jobs I have done and was/is something I am very good at always trying to be as helpful as possible.......the job fair today was a little disappointing not that many companies there and most seemed to be in same area like care work hospital staff and retail or armed forces but am now too old for that, will keep trying as don't give up and trying to stay positive.
Had a lovely chat this afternoon and can still surprise people.... I have always believed if you tell people in the right way then you are more likely to get a positive response,tell people in the wrong way and you're just st causing problems for yourself,yes you are being honest but you have to be honest in the right way always be open to answering questions,have said all along I don't mind being asked anything at all,but don't be scared to ask there are no wrong questions,no questions you can't ask,and no questions I will take offence to,if I am asked and the questions that mean I have to think a little more than the usual questions then that's even better,and yes it boosts my confidence and is a positive step forward and could possibly change how someone sees or thinks what being a trans woman means.


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