my amazing best friend kim

I have known Kim for over 10 years now but its only been the last year that everything has changed between Kim and me,when we met for the first time in Leeds last year i can honestly say i didn't know what to expect of the trip to Leeds and Kim was meeting the real me for the very first time, yes Kim knew about nearly everything but didn't know i was born in the wrong body and should have been a woman from birth,it made no difference to Kim from the first moment we met Kim addressed me as Angie or Ang i was a woman to her and that has not changed one bit in the last year,yes i was a tad late well........ nearly half hour if i'm being honest as it took longer to get organised than i thought it would but i will never forget Kim telling me she thought i was so brave, although i'm still never really sure why Kim thought i was being brave but she sees something i don't,i am pleased to hear such lovely words from my lovely friend Kim is very intuitive even now Kim tells me i am very confident maybe after a couple of minutes walking about i regain my confidence but at times i don't feel too confident but that grows and i am back being me very quickly,we have grown a lot closer and the fun and laughter never stop we are so much more like sisters than friends, even better our birthday's are within a couple of weeks and we are both hitting the big 50 this year and its getting nearer.

Kim and me have a bucket list of things we want to do this year and today i have ticked one of my list and that is having another tattoo done,Kim and me went to Leeds to have our tattoo's done and during the coming weeks we will be having matching tattoo's to celebrate our 50th birthday's in March and have many plans, from some that don't mean very much to others that are special,one of mine has to be playing pool as haven't played pool in years and having more regular contact with Kim,we are both very lucky to have a true friend who we can and do trust completely and now Kim is getting me to do things maybe i would never have done without her giving me the push i sometimes need.i am also sure Kim wont mind me writing this blog and when she reads it for herself  Kim will see that she is very important and special to me. I love our trips out regardless of where we go and we are making plans to go different places in the coming weeks, the one thing i love is we don't take ourselves too seriously and make fun of each other and its just friendly banter between Kim and me.

Kim is one of the very few girls i am close to and someone i can open upto and that's all because Kim has done the same and more with me on numerous occasions, we love having a latte together and Kim has taken me in shops i probably would never have gone in myself but it has opened my eyes to new and different products and i have even spoilt myself a few times in the last couple of weeks. I know i have surprised Kim in the last couple of weeks probably due to being early instead of late as usual and if Kim thinks i am going to be late she does tell me very clear what will happen if i am late and as usual we end up laughing about me being late yet again.

Hope this won't be too much of a shock or surprise but Kim i want you to know you are very special and important to me You are my rock and keep me strong within seconds of meeting you restore my faith in me,You have been there since day one and were by my side when at court,you are with me every step of the way even sat chatting and joking with me when having new tattoo done today and know you will be there in the coming weeks and months. Kim you are amazing strong beautiful independent confident woman and i will always be here for you any time day or night You are my friend My sister My rock and can never say thank you enough,but Thank You
lots of love


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