good afternoon ladies and gentleman and thank you for taking time to read my blogs

To start with there is some very good news, Here goes I have now started at the gender service in Leeds i had my first assesment a couple of weeks ago and have another appointment on thursday this week, and i'm so excited to finaly be able to say i am now where i want to be having tried to wait as patiently as i can even when i get a letter through saying it will be 4 years  to be seen at the gender service.

Even after my first appointment it still took me a few days for everything to sink in properly, and can honestly say that it was a very emotional day for me, Yes i couldn't stay in after my appointment and spent most of the day driving around keeping myself busy,the phone call i made to my lovely friend Kim was one of the hardest phone calls i have ever made but that's more to do with being very emotional and trying my best not to cry whilst on the phone was quite difficult but i managed to get away with it.

There were some people i wanted to tell face to face which i did and they know who they are,it was also a wonderful feeling telling Naseem the good news the following day before my latest laser hair treatment,that week was a very busy week for me but mostky exciting and yes life changing the best positive was all my friends were really pleased and happy for me which was something i never thought i would have when i first started my journey just over a year ago, i have come such a long way in the last 12 months that it can be hard to believe at times even getting to the point where i have to pinch myself to make sure its all real and not just a dream.

A year can be a long time but for me it feels like a short time and looking back i have achieved so much more than i could have ever imagined, I have achieved more first than i believed i could or even would have and that is a huge boost to how strong i am and there are times when i forget just how strong i am. there has never been a time when i seriously thought of giving up but there are times when it can be harder than it should be maybe that's down to how i see myself or even my confidence is not where it should be.

The one massive positive i can and will take is even on the bad days there will always be better days to come and now i have started at the gender service the coming weeks and months are going to be filled with more happy, exciting and amazing days of my life here's to the next 12 months hoping they will be even better and more amazing and wonderful than the last year.

Lots of love



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