2 year anniversary

It has now been 2 years since I started HRT and living full time as my true self, the last year has so far seen the biggest steps forward and have progressed even better than I had thought I would have done and have gone further than I could ever have dreamed of so here is all the news and updates on what has been happening since my last blog in February.

I have had regular electrolysis treatments and am due to have my next one in just over a weeks time, i have had another 2 appointments at the gender service and one of the appointments was with Dr Cooke for my first referral for Gender Reassignment Surgery I now have to wait to see another doctor for my second referral which will be in the next 6 months, I have now been passed back to my GP who will take over and monitor my HRT prescriptions and blood tests every 6 months, my last set of blood tests were really pleasing knowing my testosterone was down to 0.6 after only being on spiro for 3 months John at the gender service is really pleased with how well everything is going and I am also the same, my next appointment with John is to go thru the process of applying for my gender recognition certificate, it can be hard to believe at times that it has only been 2 years since I officially started my transition.

On a more personal level I have been very fortunate to have not only met some lovely people who have become friends but also truly blessed to have met someone very special wo has changed my life for the better, I started getting to know Aaron when I went to my local vape shop and we started chatting and having a good laugh it made no difference to him that I was not only Ang but also transgender he accepted me for me, he was there when I got the phone call from John at the GIS confirming I had been approved for surgery and he was so happy and pleased for me, I have also met someone special who has become a true friend and who has changed my life in more ways than I thought, who knew it would all started with an hello when I was hanging out my washing on the last bank holiday weekend, my confidence has come back I am smiling more my sense of humour is even better than it was I am even laughing at the daft things I have done like looking for my glasses for over 20 minutes not realising I am wearing them, even here family have taken to me and sometimes call her mum mum, they all get my sense of humour and don't take things the wrong way and all this from an hello doing my chores but I have been very blessed with my neighbours who have asked questions and shown a real interest every time I see Aidy he will always ask how I am doing and what the latest news is, was I really worried about not having any friends and being alone and isolated when I came out over 2 years ago I can say with all honesty I am so glad I was proved wrong every time and thankfully keep being proved wrong, The one down side is my biological mum I never know how she will be when I go see her or what kind of mood she will be in its one or another which are complete opposites if it good then she shows an interest in how everything is going if its not so good then she has no interest at all, I am trying to be patient and I do understand its hard for her but we never ever talk properly and am not sure we ever did.

Lots of love


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