Being positive

I was going to write this blog very differently, it was going to start with a negative piece on a so called friend who has let me down over and over but as I was thinking about what to write it started to develop into something that I hadn't realized,my thoughts were turning the negatives into positives and the more I delved into so many things that have happened in the last few months there was a pattern that I started to see, I am a lot more positive than I ever thought I could or would be especially being so shy and having little confidence in my younger days to how I am now,yes I am confident and not as shy as I was and  I have come out of my shell over the last 18 months,I smile so much more than I have ever smiled and at times I have a cheeky glint in my eyes I have even had so many comments and compliments that lift a not so good day into a wonderful day the smallest compliment works wonders.

My lovely friend Tamara shared my last blog and she was included in the last blog,we are very close and Tamara has been there from day one,I am truly blessed and honored to have such an amazing friend and no matter how many times I say thank you or love you Tamara am not sure it says enough,the friendship I have with Tamara has grown and developed over the last couple of years and we met thru the job that I had and we have remained friends ever since and thankfully Tamara has said she will be with me at my next appointment at the gender service next month which is with the doctor for my diagnosis something I am feeling very positive about and knowing Tamara will be there will be a real bonus as she has seen for herself how much I have changed since the first time we met.

I was a little nervous when I first came out to Helen at work but no nervous when at work the first time as my true self,there were many friends who all said same and knowing I had the amount of support I had certainly made a huge difference but knowing I was becoming the real true me just added to my confidence and staying positive,yes I have days when it's PJ's at home but there are days when I am out and about with friends and I am honored blessed and so lucky to have so many true friends who are standing by me like Tamara,so many friends have been amazing with me during the last year and can count on one hand the friends who have turned their back on me,I don't always see friends like Tamara every week but knowing that my friends are always there for me is something I know I am honored and blessed in many ways.

Little things from a smile, compliment even a comment on Facebook can make a big difference I am remaining positive even if it's not such a good day,I am now in a new group on Facebook for people in my age group and being supportive with other members of the group knowing in return they will also support me is and will be another huge positive step forward.

The lesson I have learnt is that no matter what life throws at you or how bad things appear to be there is always something that can make a difference stay positive keep smiling and laugh you only get one life make the most of it even if that means spending days at home in your PJ's and chilling out.
Positive Positive Positive and Positive

Lots of love
Angie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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