Update on everything

The last blog I wrote was just after starting at the gender identity service in Leeds and didn't really go into too much detail about anything that was discussed with me during my appointments so here is more details on my initial assessment at the gender identity service,that was more to do with all the information I had been given and trying hard to work through so much that writing about it was not possible at that's time but now I can finally put the details in this blog.

My appointment was with a lovely man called Gerry and should have gone through everything with him in the hour we had but as we had chatted and had a few laughs Gerry had to make another appointment for 2 weeks later and he went through everything with me during that second appointment,there will be more laser hair removal treatment in the coming weeks and months,the hormone therapy will be overseen by the gender service and prescriptions will be issued through my GP which will be better for me as will have constant monitoring of hormone levels,as I have already done much more in the last 12 months like changing name legally,changing documents like driving license bank account and household bills into my new legal name,I am well ahead of where I would be if had to start when in the G.I.S,but the biggest positive for me is that GRS could be as early as December 2018 and surgery is one thing I have spent time thinking about and have no doubts that it's the right thing for me to want to have done,I am now waiting for an appointment to come through to be seen by the doctor who will make the official diagnosis then everything will change even more than before,I am truly looking forward to a very happy positive and wonderful future.

Here is something I have been thinking about and wanted to include in my blogs,when I came out just over 18 months ago I never thought or believed I would have so many wonderful friends, part of me was a little nervous about ending up without the kind of support I have been very lucky to have,even people I haven't seen for many years are part of my journey and transition like Shirley in Australia who knew me many years ago,Pat and Tony who I knew through church and as a goalkeeper my mum Janet who lived down the street from us when growing up,yet there are also many new friends who have only known me a short time but who are full of compliments, to Naseem Shah your words have blown me away to know you think I am amazing and courageous wow thank you,Kim who I've got to know a lot more in the last year you're my rock and a wonderful lovely best friend,Sean who works at the snooker Centre who has become a friend and shared a fair few laughs with only down side is the football team he supports but you can't have everything,Tamara and Kieran who always surprise me in a good way and fully support me,I have learnt so much I have learnt my true friend only care about my happiness and are there for me if I ever need a shoulder to cry on,there are also some people who I thought were my friends but only wanted to know me when they were getting something out of me and were just taking me for a mug,I have learnt to never lend certain people money as will be nearly impossible to get most of it back but will never happen again.

Yes I have learnt a lot over the last couple of years but I've learnt more about myself than anything and I have learnt that there will be bad days but there will be more good days and I am stronger than I ever thought I would be and have no doubts I am doing the right thing for me and finally becoming the woman I was destined to be,yes I am a strong confident happy lady.

Lots of love


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