Questions questions questions
Since I started my transition and even before that maybe even last December,when the counsellor I went to see told me she would refer me to the gender clinic if I wanted her to, made me finally stop and think about who I really was inside or more to the point accept who I was and stop running away or hiding even worse pretending to be someone I wasn't and was never comfortable or happy trying to be. It's hard to put in to words or describe that light bulb moment, when faced with the truth everything makes sense the pieces starting fitting together perfectly in a way they had never done before..... yes it's true I have always known deep down inside that I should be a woman and but finally freeing myself to be the real true me who I have always been...... yes there were obvious signs which I truly did my best to try and hide......just over 20 years I made friends with a neighbour who I found out,had warned my then partner to be careful as I was gay in her words,when I asked...